Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Text is a way to communicate without having to speak. It is just as explanatory as speaking and can, in some ways, say more than a person could say. Text is any form of writing that was created for a purpose whether it is to inform, to teach, or to explain. Text serves as a means of communication when talking isn't necessarily an option, i.e. text messaging. Just about everyone texts now because of its convenience and how much quicker it is than it would be to call someone. Think about how much easier it is in some cases to text people, you accomplish the same thing but in less time and effort. Therefore, text is more or less, communication  redefined.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Over break, I noticed that I sort of stuck to the whole idea of not watching as much tv. I spent most of my time out with friends but when I did watch tv, it was never for more than a couple hours. I found an alternative to watching the actual television is to watch shows online. So that is mainly what I did. However, I still limited the amount of online shows I watched, choosing to read instead. I feel like the thirty day challenge stuck with me a little bit because now that Im back at Ball State, Ive succeeded in not watching tv at all and I don't really care to. I want to try to be more productive for the rest of this semester and not having tv as a distraction will help a lot.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"...Vik and his wife start to argue on camera about whether the project is hurting the catadores by taking them out of their environment and then, when it’s over, expecting them to return."

I chose to focus on this argument because this was the point where Vik was contemplating whether he was doing the right thing by these people he just met. He didn't know if it was fair to the pickers to briefly remove them from their element and show them a somewhat better life and then just expect them to go back to their normal routine once the project was done and all the footage had been gathered. 

However, in all actuality it allowed the pickers to realize their situation and made them see the better side of life that they didn't think they would ever know. The project helped them to realize their self worth and made the pickers want to do better for themselves. Some of the pickers were able to confront their past and find the strength and compassion to forgive not only others but themselves for all the misfortunes that they had endured. 

Although this may not have been the original purpose of the project, it ended up being good for the people because a lot of them changed their situation and the portraits made them see themselves as living beings with worth and the capacity to love and forgive, instead of people that pick recyclable materials from a huge landfill.

The argument is very universal because there are people everywhere that like to go to less fortunate and poverty stricken areas and help them to see how much of a better life they can have. 

My experiment is going well. Ive started going to the gym more and Im already starting to feel a lot more fit  and Ive also gotten through 2 books of a 3 book series that Im reading. So I'd say that life has been pretty productive since the elimination of TV.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So that was the second time I tried to post my annotated bib and for some reason the texts always shows up as white lines. I have no idea why or what to do about it.
Van Der Goot, Margot, Johannes W.J. Beentjes, and Martine Van Selm. "Meanings of television in older
adults' lives: An analysis of change and continuity in television viewing." Ageing & Society 32 (2012): 147- 68. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Ball State University, Muncie. 9 Feb. 2012 <>.

This article is talking about the many positive and negative roles that television plays in the lives of elderly people. It also says that some programs gain importance as people age.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Its day nine of this experiment of not watching tv at all and it happens to be Jersey day today. I really wanna watch the new episode but I'm gonna stay true to this experiment and leave the tv off...Ill probably just read until I fall asleep tonight
So I figured out what object could be recreated into and with all the broken pieces I transformed the shades into glasses that you could wear to block out everything at night when you wanna go to sleep, like a face mask. I glued halves of the arms in the frames of the glasses and then glued paper behind that. I dont really know if they work or if they're even worth using but I made them with that concept in mind.
Van Der Goot, Margot, Johannes W.j. Beentjes, and Martine Van Selm. "Meanings of television in older    adults' lives: An analysis of change and continuity in television viewing." Jan. 2012. Host. EBSCO. Ball State University, Muncie. 9 Feb. 2012 <>.

This article is talking about the importance of TV in the lives of adults. Its also talking about how peoples life styles affect how much television they watch.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ok so about this 30 day challenge. I've been staying true to my challenge which is not to watch tv anymore. Its not so hard to do because of the fact that Im an architecture major and most of my time is spent in the studio working on projects. But other than being in studio, I spend my time reading and sleeping. Although I am gonna miss watching my favorite shows like Jersey Shore, I think Ill be pretty successful with the challenge.

For my object, I chose a pair of sunglasses to destroy. They were the pair that BSU was handing out to students for homecoming. I guess BSU was just trying to advocate for our homecoming and they wanted everyone to be aware of the game and come to it. And the obvious purpose for the shades are to shield your eyes from the suns harmful rays.

The new object I created is none existent. I dont really know what to make because sawed the glasses in half and got rid of the lenses. Then I sawed the arms off of the glasses and then sawed them in half. So yeah if i had know we had to make something else out of the shades, I probably woulda broke them in a different way. So yeah any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The main idea of the article is that people need to listen more and talk less. The article talks about how much closer of a population we could be if we just do a little more listening to others. It talks about the major difference between African story telling and American story telling is that American stories are more linear and are structured from beginning to end; while African stories are often complex, having more than a couple stories going on simultaneously.

The relevance of this article to the one about the people in the parlor is expressed through the need for better communication. The people in the parlor were just arguing and constantly inserting their opinion without listening to anyone else's and also without any prior knowledge of the topic at hand. Instead of hearing each other out, it was more important to prove each other wrong. And its relevance to chapter 9 in the Wadsworth book is stated when the article says the information is not the same as knowledge, but rather knowledge is the application of knowledge. We should apply knowledge to our projects and make sure we communicate our thoughts thoroughly.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I have no idea what im supposed to be blogging about or if there is any specific thing we should be blogging about, and seeing as though i forgot to do one last week, i guess ill talk about the library session this week. It was my second time attending one of those sessions but all in all i thought it was very informative and i like that they take the time out to explain to us how to use the articles and databases and also how to effectively use other resources the library has to offer.