Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I have no idea what im supposed to be blogging about or if there is any specific thing we should be blogging about, and seeing as though i forgot to do one last week, i guess ill talk about the library session this week. It was my second time attending one of those sessions but all in all i thought it was very informative and i like that they take the time out to explain to us how to use the articles and databases and also how to effectively use other resources the library has to offer.


  1. Eddie, make sure you check the class website for updates on the main discussion board. For instance, there is a blog assignment for next Wednesday on the discussion board right now. Good call on writing about the library this week, that's what I wanted you to do.

  2. I keep a sticky note next to my mousepad with various tasks due that day or the next. I then keep my future assignments due on a Google Calendar, which emails me when things are getting close to being due. If you keep something to remind you, blogging isn't that hard to pick up as a habit!

    Hang in there.
